Sunday, June 25, 2017

Speeding Evil

"But you don't understand!" She was frantic, crazed, almost out of her mind. "They are evil!"
"Yes, you said that before." He replied, looking at a woman who looked as though she had been through hell. By what her testimony was, it was damn near close. Beaten, raped, bitten, the list went on.
The culprits: two eighty three year old men. Staples in the small community for decades. Upstanding.
The story didn't make sense, but here the woman was, telling this story that sounded straight out of a horror story.
"They said they want to hurt a lot of people. I'm just alive because they wanted you to know. I shouldn't have come here."
"They said you had to come here, or they would kill you."
"Yeah." her voice had gone hoarse. Lindsay Balmer, now Linny McQueen, was not one to make things up. She was in recovery from drugs, but even in her heyday this was a stunt no one would want to pull. It would be risky to put these allegations up in the first place, which was what Officer Leo Molnak had been thinking for some minutes by now
"You said they were armed."
"Yes...but they don't need the weapons, really."
"Why not?"
"They...they can kill with the power they brought here."
"Oh, right the 'evil incarnate' that they had conjured up. That power?" She nodded her head solemnly. That was where her story fell apart. The old men being some kind of sorcerors and bringing to life some evil creature. Their reasons were very unclear at this point. Linny had come screaming into the station to see someone. They had given her a drug test and found her to be negative on all accounts. Her speech was normal, she wasn't high as far as he could tell. She believed what she was telling him, that he could see, without a doubt.
But the story was so...unreal.
"They said they're going up the road to Milner. To have some fun, they said." She said the words softly, looking down, caught up in bad memories. How badly wounded the woman's psyche must be, from telling the truth, or not, could not stand up to the world in all its rugged edges and sharp points.
But really, what could two men in their eighties really do?

The truck sped down the road, and the evil came in close pursuit, invisible to the human eye. Chester and Roan sat quiet, but happy. In their laps fingers were on the triggers. Chester was driving, smoking a cigar, about halfway through. The smell made Roan almost queasy these recent days, but he wasn't about to say anything, his life's goal was achieved at last. Now they could roam free, however long they wished.
Milner was just ahead, and the people there were going to find a new meaning the word pain.
Evil followed with them.

Jason liked to do his running at dusk, just as the sun was setting, and getting into the early darkness of the night. It was quiet out here, he enjoyed that, too. There wasn't anybody waiting at home for him, and he liked it that way for now. The last relationship had been long and messy, now he just wanted to be him. Life was good.
Behind him he heard a car coming, he glanced over his shoulder to see it was a truck. He moved farther to the side of the road as they passed.
Then he felt something suddenly strike him. Where, he didn't know. He just didn't know. He just knew nothing anymore. He was gone.

Roan was looking in the rearview mirror to see it happen. The young man running on the side of the road suddenly bucked, and fell straight forward onto his face, dead. He smiled, a gap-toothed one.
"One down." Milner was only a few miles away, and he was feeling especially giddy, He told himself so many times that he could do this his whole life, always doubting his words. Now it had come to pass and it felt right.
    The truck sped down the road to Milner, and the evil came in close pursuit.

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