Sunday, July 9, 2017

Using Inspiration When You Are Not Inspired

If you wait for inspiration to write, then you fail. This is such as my predicament has been Inspiration strikes, and I ride along as long as I can before I fall into not writing again. The hardest thing about writing is repetition, to keep practicing and writing whatever you can. Doing writing exercises. Keeping yourself spry. Lately, I have been trying to get myself out of the whole 'wait for inspiration to strike ideal' and into the 'write as you go, and do it even when you don't want to' approach, which is harder, but only at first.
If you have that 'drive' to write a story and need it to get told, or just have the bare bones of a story you really like, then you need to work on it ALL THE TIME. This isn't some busy-work you do. You have to make yourself write those damn chapters, even when you don't feel like writing, which can be the hardest part about writing. The ability to pick up that ink and keep writing your story, even at those times you feel uninspired.
If you only wait for inspiration you will either be really good for a moment or two, or you won't have anything at all that is finished to show for it.
Inspiration should be the first thing you find about something you are going to write, and each sequential time you write in that story, you have to remember the sensation you had when you had started, that feeling of inspiration, draw it not only from the inspiration itself, but from the feelings you had when you felt the inspiration. Remember what that felt like when you first came up with the idea. Chances are, the greatness of your idea or plot or character will get dull to your senses after a time, dealing with it all the time, but if you can only re-capture, even for a second, the sheer exhilaration you felt at the original time of the inspiration, maybe that can be a light for the future for you.

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